Annual Tent Sale, first Saturday in May.
Brattleboro Clayworks Seconds Sale
An annual event, Brattleboro Seconds Sale is offered on the first Saturday of May. Our potters offer work at significantly discounted prices on work that have imperfections seemingly unnoticeable to imperfections that provides “personality” to the piece. Individual potters stock pile their seconds throughout the year for this annual event.
Empty Bowls
Yearly, Brattleboro Clayworks contributes to the Empty Bowls Fundraiser benefitting Groundworks Collaborative, an organization helping our communities most financially unstable and homeless population. Our members and renters create an average of 200 bowls that are donated to the Empty Bowls Event held in October every year.
Once or twice in the spring and summer, Brattleboro Clayworks opens up its studio to the community to come in to handcraft bowls that also get donated to the Empty Bowls Fundraising Event.